Western Medical Acupuncture
March 21st, 2014

Western Medical Acupuncture and dry needling are now available at Podiatry Care should you require this treatment option. At Podiatry Care we are constantly updating our knowledge in order to offer you all possible treatment options.


Western Medical Acupuncture for big toe joint pain at Podiatry Care


This treatment option can be used for a number of conditions including pain in the big toe joint, arthritis, neuropathy, chronic heel pain, shin pain and knee pain just to name a few conditions.

An examination is essential to determine whether or not this treatment is suitable. There are podiatrists available at Podiatry Care Modbury, Podiatry Care Unley and Podiatry Care Christies Beach with suitable qualifications in acupuncture and dry needling. For further information call a Podiatry Care clinic nearest you.