Whether your playing football, netball or training for an endurance running event, it’s a timely reminder to think about how […]
Archived content for the tag ‘Foot Pain’
Is foot pain stopping you from running?
June 8th, 2017 by MyFootDr Marketing | Category: UncategorizedTags: Foot Pain
Did you run for mum and wake up with foot pain?
May 19th, 2017 by MyFootDr Marketing | Category: UncategorizedTags: Achilles tendonitis ankle sprains Foot Pain my FootDr plantar fasciitis sesamoiditis shin splints
Mother’s Day left a lot of love beating through the hearts of families across Australia last weekend. It also left […]
Why do my feet hurt when I walk?
May 1st, 2017 by MyFootDr Marketing | Category: UncategorizedTags: Foot Pain Ingrown Nails
Are you blaming the frosty autumn weather for making your feet hurt when you walk? It could be something more […]